News and Events - MOVES Institute
MOVES Institute News and Events

Join us for MOVES Summit 2025
Please join us at the MOVES Summit 2025 on June 3, 2025 - June 5, 2025. More details will be added here soon. Thank you!
Past MOVES Institute Open House Events
2024 MOVES Open House
2024 MOVES Open House June 4th - 6th at the Naval Postgraduate School in beautiful Monterey, California.
We are building a great schedule to show you the work that the faculty, students, and collaborators of the MOVES Institute are working on right now and will be ready to demo in June 2024. We have already arranged for two top-notch keynote speakers:
Mr. David Allsop, Chief Systems Engineer at Boeing, has agreed to be our industry keynote speaker. Mr. Allsop has worked at Boeing for over 27 years, is currently serving as and co-chair of the NDIA Modeling Simulation Subcommittee and a board member at-large for the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
COL Heath McCormick, USA, the deputy director of the Army Modeling and Simulation Office (AMSO), has agreed to be our Army keynote speaker.

MOVES Grad is "Face of NPS"
The Naval Postgraduate School Foundation and Alumni Association interviewed LtCol Jesse Attig, MOVES '16, as a "Face of NPS". LtCol Attig discussed his thesis, the MOVES curriculum, and his current job as the M & S officer at Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command.“I truly think my time at NPS was one of the most pivotal times for me personally and professionally. While I didn’t appreciate every class then, I have come to realize the importance of the entire MOVES curriculum and have a great sense of gratitude to the professors and staff who compassionately help students build the Modeling and Simulation knowledge base within the military services. Many of the concepts I learned at NPS, I use daily in my job as an M&S Officer at MAGTFTC. I know that the education I received from NPS has directly and positively improved the way we train Marines here at Twentynine Palms and across the fleet.”
MOVES Grads Delivering MCTIS to the Corps
A recent article on covering the implementation of the Marine Corps Tactical Instrumentation System (MCTIS) highlighted how MOVES grads are supporting the Fleet. Training units in the Marine's largest annual war game at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms used MCTIS in its large scale roll out.MOVES graduates LtCols Matt Morse (MS 2014, PhD 2022), the senior M & S officer at Training and Education Command, which fielded MCTIS as part of its Live Virtual Constructive Training Environment, and Jesse Attig (MS, 2016), the M & S officer at MAGTAF Training Command where it was implemented, were instrumental in the MCTIS roll out.
Read their quotes about the effects of MCTIS in the article.

MOVES Hosts ONR LVC Exploration Workshop January 23-25, 2024
The MOVES Institute will host the final workshop of a four-workshop sequence in order to develop, draft, and publish a Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) Science and Technology (S&T) Master Plan for ONR Code 34. The workshop sequence will investigate LVC environment creation testing, training, and evaluation (TT&E) capability gaps that are shared by the naval aviation, surface and information warfare communities.
MOVES personnel did many great things in November 2023, including:
- Met with.the director of the Temasek Defence Systems Institute (TDSI) of Singapore.
- Presented papers and training games at I/ITSEC 2023 in Orlando.
- Installed new computer workstations in the MOVES lab space which came with a Varjo headset and virtual visualization capabilities through their MACE and ARMOR software packages.
- And many others.

The NPS Foundation and Alumni Association held a reception at the 2023 Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC). I/ITSEC is the world's foremost conference on modeling and simulation for training and education and each year attracts a wide range of NPS graduates. It was a great chance to reconnect with friends from long ago and catch up on all the great work NPS is doing today.
MOVES/NPS Active at 2023 I/ITSEC
Several MOVES and NPS faculty, students and alumni have active parts in the 2023 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) the week of November 27 in Orlando Florida.

NPS Foundation Focuses on MOVES
In conjunction with the NATO Modelling & Simulation Group’s (NMSG) Annual Symposium held at MOVES in October 2023, the NPS Foundation spotlighted MOVES in their "Focus on NPS" newsletter. There were interviews with many students, faculty, alumni and others involved with the MOVES Insitute.
NATO M&S Group Holds Symposium at MOVES
The NATO Modelling & Simulation Group’s (NMSG) Annual Symposium was held in Monterey at the Naval Postgraduate School on Oct. 19-20, 2023. More than 75 personnel from almost all the NATO countries participated in the event which was designed to discuss how to better integrate M&S throughout the NATO militaries to iimprove their combat effectiveness.

2023 MOVES Open House
The MOVES Institute held its Open House in May 2023 to show the results of its faculty and students hard work as well as products from the best companies in modeling and simulation.
Read more about it. You can also watch videos of the presentations or download the slides.
The 2022 MOVES Open House was held May 24-26 and was a great success!!
The MOVES Institute held its Open House in May 2022 and showed all the great things its faculty and students have been doing as well as some of the latest work from the best companies in modeling and simulation. Those of us at MOVES would like to thank the many attendees and presenters who made it such a great event!!
Read more about it. You can also watch videos of the presentations or download the slides.

NPS’ MOVES Institute Reflects on 30 Years of Virtual Reality
In 2018, MOVES founding director Mike Zyda returned to MOVES to celebrate 30 years of virtual reality at NPS.
In the mid-1990's, Zyda recognized that there needed to be an inter-desciplinary curriculum that split the gap between computer science, human computer interaction, and operations research. He took this insight and created MOVES.Get more information on this event, including a video celebrating Mike's return.